Meet Our Founder
I began my wellness journey with Yoga and Pilates back in High School, being a teenager is tough on the emotional home-front and my mom introduced me to discipline in hopes it would help me find a little inner peace. I immediately fell in love with the physicality of the practice, I was a student athlete playing both softball and basketball so it was a nice change of pace to find an activity that wasn't a competition. As I moved on to college, the stress of exams, being in a new environment with added responsibilities started to weigh in. I loved hitting my mat to move my body but something was missing... Enter Meditation. A short daily practice of gratitude and focusing on my breath has helped me to get through some of the toughest days of my life.
I knew the combination of a strong physical practice and the consistency of meditation was profound so I decided that sharing it with the world would be my life's mission. . The combination of eating well, moving mindfully, and thinking outside the box has become my foundation for my healthy life.
There is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL model when it comes to improving your physical well-being, don’t let anyone tell you differently. We are all ever changing creatures who's eating and workout habits need to evolve in parallel with the demand on our lives. My journey is still evolving every day both through the lens of my own activities, but also though my experience with clients.
I get so much joy from helping my friends, family and clients live life in Harmony with their bodies. My students are my best teachers and I have them to thank for becoming the teacher I am today. I’d love to hear about your journey and discuss how I can help you get to the next step of your wellness adventure!